A class representing query to retrieve lists related to pinned messages.


  • default
    • PinnedMessageListQuery


channelType: ChannelType

A channel type.

channelUrl: string

A channel URL.

includeMetaArray?: boolean

Whether the meta arrays should be included in the results. If the value is null, it follows the default value.

includeParentMessageInfo?: boolean

Whether the information of a parent message should be included in the reply messages included in the results.

includePollDetails?: boolean

Whether the poll details should be included in the results.

includeReactions?: boolean

Whether the reaction data should be included in the results. If the value is null, it follows the default value.

includeThreadInfo?: boolean

Whether the thread information should be included in the results. If the value is null, it follows the default value.


The maximum number of data per queried page.


  • get hasNext(): boolean
  • Returns boolean

    Whether there is a next page.

  • get isLoading(): boolean
  • Returns boolean

    Whether the current query is in communication progress with server.


  • Returns Promise<PinnedMessage[]>

    Gets the list of PinnedMessages. If this method is repeatedly called after each next is finished, it retrieves the following pages of the PinnedMessage list. If there is no more pages to be read, an empty List (not null) is returned.