interface MessageSearchQueryParams {
    advancedQuery?: boolean;
    channelCustomType?: string;
    channelUrl?: string;
    exactMatch?: boolean;
    keyword: string;
    limit?: number;
    messageTimestampFrom?: number;
    messageTimestampTo?: number;
    order?: MessageSearchOrder;
    reverse?: boolean;
    targetFields?: null | string[];


  • BaseListQueryParams
    • MessageSearchQueryParams


advancedQuery?: boolean

Whether the current search query should be an advanced query or not.

channelCustomType?: string

The current custom type of channel set as the search scope.

channelUrl?: string

The current channel url set as the search scope.

exactMatch?: boolean

Whether the current search query should be an exact match or not.

keyword: string

The current search keyword.

limit?: number

The maximum number of data per queried page.

messageTimestampFrom?: number

The start message timestamp set as the search range.

messageTimestampTo?: number

The end message timestamp set as the search range.

The current order method.

reverse?: boolean

Whether the current search result is set to be reversed or not.

targetFields?: null | string[]

The target fields of the current query as the search scope.