Chat UIKit Android View v2
Chat UIKit Android View
Chat UIKit
Android View
Version 2
Sendbird Chat UIKit v2 for Android View is no longer supported as a new version is released. Check out our latest Chat UIKit v3

Typing indicator

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Typing indicator is a feature that allows users to know visually if another user in the channel is typing a message. The indicator UI appears in the Header region of the ChannelFragment class and remains visible until the user sends the message or deletes the text completely. If the user stops typing for more than 10 seconds, the indicator will also disappear.

In order to use the typing indicator feature, you must first create a channel and enable the chat service. Once chat is enabled, the typing indicator feature is turned on by default through the setUseTypingIndicator() setter method of the ChannelFragment.Builder class. To learn how to allow users to chat in a channel, refer to Chat in a channel.

Customize the UI for typing indicator

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The UI for typing indicator can be customized through StringSet. The StringSet is a set of strings used to compose the screen. It’s a res/strings.xml file containing UIKit-defined string values.

Text strings for typing status can vary depending on the number of members typing in a channel:

  • If one member is typing: “Member is typing...”
  • If two members are simultaneously typing: “Member A and Member B are typing...”
  • If more than two members are simultaneously typing: “Several people are typing...”


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    <string name="sb_text_channel_typing_indicator_single">%s is typing&#8230;</string>
    <string name="sb_text_channel_typing_indicator_double">%s and %s are typing&#8230;</string>
    <string name="sb_text_channel_typing_indicator_multiple">Several people are typing&#8230;</string>