Chat UIKit Jetpack Compose v3
Chat UIKit Jetpack Compose
Chat UIKit
Jetpack Compose
Version 3

UIKit for Jetpack Compose applies the theme using MaterialTheme. All Color, Typography, and Shape used in UIKit Compose are applied through MaterialTheme. UIKit for Jetpack Compose provides its own custom SendbirdTheme, allowing you to apply a consistent theme across all UIKit screens. To easily apply your app's MaterialTheme to the UIKit, apply your app's custom MaterialTheme to the UIKit.

There are several approaches you might take:

Apply Dark mode and Dynamic Color

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UIKit for Jetpack Compose provides SendbirdTheme by default. You can apply Dark mode and Dynamic Color by using the SendbirdTheme's isDarkTheme, isDynamicColor parameter.

Dark Mode

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You can apply Dark Mode by setting the isDarkTheme parameter of SendbirdTheme to true. The default will comply with the device's system settings.

fun SendbirdDarkThemeApp() {
        isDarkTheme = true,
    ) {
        /* ... */
        SendbirdContainedButton(text = "", onClick = { /* ... */ })

Dynamic Color

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You can apply Dynamic Color by setting the isDynamicColor parameter of SendbirdTheme to true. The default is false. To learn more about Dynamic Color, see here.

fun SendbirdDynamicColorThemeApp() {
        isDynamicColor = true,
    ) {
        /* ... */
        SendbirdContainedButton(text = "", onClick = { /* ... */ })

Change the properties of Color, Typography, and Shape

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You can use the default ColorScheme, Typography, and Shapes of Sendbird or customize them.

UIKit for Jetpack Compose provides the following properties:

  • sendbirdDarkColorScheme, sendbirdLightColorScheme: ColorScheme used in the UIKit
  • sendbirdTypography: Typography used in the UIKit
  • sendbirdShapes: Shapes used in the UIKit
val CustomLightColorScheme = sendbirdLightColorScheme(
    /* ... */

val CustomDarkColorScheme = sendbirdDarkColorScheme(
    /* ... */

val CustomTypography = sendbirdTypography(
    /* ... */

val CustomShapes = sendbirdShapes(
    /* ... */

fun SendbirdThemeApp() {
        lightColorScheme = CustomLightColorScheme,
        darkColorScheme = CustomDarkColorScheme,
        typography = CustomTypography,
        shapes = CustomShapes,
    ) {
        /* ... */
        SendbirdContainedButton(text = "", onClick = { /* ... */ })

Apply the theme on a global level

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You can create your own Theme and apply it to the UIKit for Jetpack Compose screens.

  1. Create a custom Theme for your app. UIKit for Jetpack Compose is based on MaterialTheme. Therefore, you can create a custom Theme for your app by referring to this guide.

  2. Select the target to apply the Theme.

2-1. Apply the Theme to all UIKit screens. You can apply the Theme to all UIKit screens through sendbirdGroupChannelNavGraph. sendbirdGroupChannelNavGraph receives the theme property and delivers a consistent Theme across the screens.

fun SendbirdUikitApp() {
    val navController = rememberNavController()
        navController = navController,
        startDestination = SendbirdNavigation.GroupChannel.route
    ) {
            // Apply the theme
            theme = { content ->
                MyApplicationTheme {
            navController = navController

2-2. You can also apply the Theme to a specific UIKit screen. To do so, wrap the composable function of the target screen with CustomSendbirdTheme.

fun ChannelsScreenExample(
    navController: NavHostController
) {
    MyApplicationTheme {
            navController = navController

To apply the screen with the Theme to the Navigation, see our guide on Navigation.