Desk Guide v1
Desk Guide
Desk Guide
Version 1

Sendbird Dashboard

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Sendbird Desk uses the Sendbird Dashboard to provide a seamless ticket routing system and strengthen customer support workflows. On the dashboard, you can manage tickets, agents, and proactive chats; monitor the real-time statistics; even export performance reports. To start using Sendbird Dashboard, you need to first create an account. See the quick-start guide below on how to set up Sendbird Desk.

Set up dashboard

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To start using Sendbird Desk, follow the steps below on how to set up a Sendbird application on the dashboard.

Step 1 Create a Sendbird account

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Sign up on Sendbird Dashboard and create an account.

Step 2 Create a Sendbird application

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Create a Sendbird application and select Desk for Product type. For Region, choose one of the following regions that applies to your service.



Tokyo, Japan


Seoul, South Korea




Mumbai, India


Central, Canada


Frankfurt, Germany


Oregon, USA


Northern Virginia 1, USA


Northern Virginia 2, USA

Step 3 Invite users

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Invite users to your organization by clicking on your organization name on the top right corner of your screen. Go to Members and select Invite members on the top right corner and enter the email address of users you wish to invite. You can also assign them a role such as Admin or Agent in your Sendbird application.

Step 4 Implement SDKs

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Integrate both Sendbird Chat SDK and Desk SDK to your client app. Refer to our Docs for iOS, Android, and JavaScript to get started on the SDK implementation.

Step 5 Try Sendbird Desk Widget

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Now you're all set to start a conversation with customers. To test the functionalities of Sendbird Desk, try Sendbird Desk Widget.