Chat UIKit Flutter v3
Chat UIKit Flutter
Chat UIKit
Version 3

Configure group channel settings

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You can configure the settings of each group channel. Customizable settings include channel name, cover image, and notifications. You can also leave the channel. For channel operators, you can view the moderation menu.

Group channel settings screen

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Note: Search in channel is not supported in the beta version.

The messageCollectionNo parameter in SBUGroupChannelInformationScreen constructor is required and the others are optional.

Widget screen = SBUGroupChannelInformationScreen(
  messageCollectionNo: collectionNoInSBUGroupChannelScreen, // Required parameter
  onChannelLeft: (channel) {
    // Move to SBUGroupChannelListScreen.
  onModerationsButtonClicked: (channel) {
    // Move to SBUGroupChannelModerationsScreen.
  onMembersButtonClicked: (channel) {
    // Move to SBUGroupChannelMembersScreen.