Advanced Moderation Guide v1
Advanced Moderation Guide
Advanced Moderation Guide
Version 1

Roles and permissions

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Custom roles and permissions provide the ability to manage access within the Sendbird Dashboard. They empower organizations to assign specific access rights to different teams or users, ensuring that they have the precise capabilities they need.

Set up custom roles

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  1. Log into your Sendbird Dashboard.

  2. Go to the Roles page under your account ID on the top-right corner of your dashboard.

  1. Click Create Role + to create a new role with custom permissions.

Note: Only accounts with All permissions for both Roles and Members page of the Organization settings can create, edit, and assign roles.

  1. Enter Role name and Description to describe its key permissions.

For example, it can be something like the following.

  • Role name: Moderator
  • Description: Can moderate messages and users in open channels and group channels.

  1. Choose from the two types of moderation.

Permission levelDescription

Channel moderation

For basic moderation features such as banning, muting, and reporting in open and group channels.

Advanced moderation

For more advanced moderation features such as rules, review queue, ticket list, moderated users, and moderation log in addition to open and group channel permissions.

  1. Assign the level of permission you wish to grant for each feature.
PermissionActions & Access


Full access to all functionalities


- All access to Chat permissions
- Deactivate users
- Freeze channels
- Edit and delete messages


- All access to View permissions
- Ban and mute users
- You can send messages in chat


View access:
- User lists
- Channel lists
- Messages

Edit access:
- Your own moderator details

Assign roles to members

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Now that the roles are set up, you can assign them to members of your organization.

  1. Go to the Members page under your account ID on the top-right corner of your dashboard.
  2. Click Invite + to invite new members to your organization. You can choose from the dropdown list of roles you created earlier.